A lyophilized white powder for injection with a colorless transparent vial. colorless transparent solution when dissolved with saline.
Coretox 100 unit is:
- Moderate to severe glabellar lines
- Safe, high end ingredients
- Eyebrow wrinkles muscle (corrugator muscle)
- Procerus muscle
Coretox is a lyophilized white power for injection with a colorless transparent vial. It turns into a colorless transparent solution when dissolved with saline. Coretox consist with only neurotoxin as the complexing protein has been removed. In comparison with Ona-BoNTA, equivalent efficacy and safety have been discovered while using Coretox by patients with moderate to severe glabellar lines.
Active Ingredient
Clostridium botulinum toxin type A (Hall strain)
Storage Condition
Store at 2 ~ 8℃ in a refrigerator, in hermetic container
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